September Book Subscription Unboxing

These are all the books that I got in September subscription boxes.


This is the mystery/thriller box.

Sting by Sandra Brown. This is about a man and woman who kind of have sparks from across a bar but he is there to kill her. He changes his mind and kidnaps her instead and then they go on the run because other people want her too.

The House Of Secrets by Brad Meltzer and Tod Goldberg. This is about a woman who gets into a car accident that kills her father and injures her brother, but when she wakes up she doesn’t know who she is. The cops question her about her father, after finding the a dead man with a notebook belonging to Benedict Arnold in his body.

My YA Reading Club

This is the real world box.

Go set A Watchman by Harper Lee. I was really happy to see this in the box this month. I have read this and really enjoyed it and wanted to add it to my collection eventually.
Emma: A Modern Retelling by Alexander McCall Smith. This is a retelling of Emma by Jane Austen. I haven’t read Emma yet but it’s high on my TBR so I’ll read this after I’ve read the original.

Battle In Seattle. This is the DVD for the month. Starring Woody Harrelson, Ray Liotta, Michelle Rodriguez and Charlize Theron. This is about a peaceful demonstration to stop the WTO talks that escalates into a full scale riot, which leads to a state of emergency.

Book Of The Month

Emma In The Night by Wendy Walker. This is about two sisters who disappear one night and three years later one of them comes back, but her story has some holes in it.

Lies She Told by Cate Holahan. This follows a thriller author who is writing her next novel, but then the things she writes about end up happening in some way in her real life as well.

My Thrill Club

This is the horror box. My FAVORITE box this month!

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King. I was so excited when I saw this in the horror box this month. I have not read The Shining yet but this is the sequel and I have been wanting it for a while. I have heard some mixed reviews but I’m excited to read it after I’ve read The Shining.

The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich. One night at a high school three students are murdered and one, Carley ends up missing. A diary is found in the ashes belonging to Kaitlin, who turns out to be Carly’s alter ego. This moved to the top of my TBR and will definitely be on my Halloween TBR next month.

Behemoth. This is the DVD for the month. Starring Cindy Busby and Ed quinn. This follows a local logger and and seismologist who lead a rescue attempt after something has awakened an enormous beast who wrecks apocalyptic devastation across the planet.

Those were the books that I have received this month. I am so excited for many of them and can’t wait to dive in.

Keep reading…Lola

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