April Book Subscription Boxes

These are the books that I got in my April book boxes. This is my last My Thrill Club box for a while. I finally cancelled it so that I can try to get my TBR down a bit. 😁

Book Of The Month:

Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell. I read an ARC of I Found You last year and really enjoyed it so when I saw that Lisa Jewell came out with another book I needed to get it. This one follows a woman whose 15 year old daughter goes missing and 10 years later, after meeting a man in a cafe and getting close to him, she meets his kids and his youngest daughter has Laurel breathless because his daughter Poppy looks like her daughter Ellie.

Our Kind Of Cruelty by Araminta Hall. This is a twisted love story about a man who is obsessed with a woman who is getting married to another man.

My Thrill Club:

Werewolf Cop by Andrew Klavan. Zach is one of the best homicide detectives and is nicknamed Cowboy. He serves on a federal task force that has a mission to take down a European gangster. One night under a full moon, he is attacked by a beast that curses him forever.

The Forbidden by F.R. Tallis. This is about a Parisienne doctor in 1873 who attempts a glimpse of Heaven in a near-death experience while experimenting on himself. He brings himself back through electricity, but also brings back an evil presence with him.

Instead of getting a DVD this month I got a code to get an e-book from BookShout.

The Turn Of The Screw by Henry James. This is a novella about a governess who is caring for two children at a remote estate that she believes is haunted.

I can’t wait to dive into these in the near future.

Keep reading…Lola

March Subscription Boxes

These are the books I got in sub boxes in March. This month I received my last BookCase.Club box for a while. I need to get my TBR down so I’m taking a break from sub boxes for a little bit.

Book Of The Month:

Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser. This is about the disappearance of a woman and all the secrets that are revealed while trying to solve the mystery of what happened.

My Thrill Club:

In The Valley Of The Sun by Andy Davidson. Travis does bad things to women. One night he meets a pale girl and wakes in the morning all blood and weakened, with no memory of what happened the night before.

The Girl With Ghost Eyes by M.H. Boroson. This takes place at the end of the nineteenth century. There’s Daoism, ghost hunters, spiritual visions. I’m not clear on what this book is about exactly but it seems interesting.

The Last Winter is the DVD from this month. It stars James Le Gros and Connie Britton. The movie follows a group of oil scouts in Alaska. Evil stalks the group and things turn deadly.


The One Thing by Marci Lyn Curtis. Maggie has been blind for six months and has turned rebellious, leading to her having a probation officer. One day, she can see again, but only 10 year old Ben, who might just show her that losing her sight doesn’t mean she’s lost everything she’s ever dreamed of.

Pawn by Aimee Carter. Kitty can be a III and live in misery or she can be a VII and join the most powerful family in the country. If she choses to be a VII, she will be surgically transformed into the Prime Minister’s niece, who died under mysterious circumstances. She’ll also have to stop the rebellion that Lila secretly promoted and died for, but it’s one that Kitty believes in. The cover is so pretty and the book underneath the dust jacket is so amazing. I love it.

I can’t wait to get into some of these books.

Keep reading…Lola

February Subscription Boxes

These are the books that I received in book subscription boxes this month.

Book Of The Month:

The Broken Girls by Simone St. James. This follows a woman who, twenty years after her sisters death, revisits what happened the night she died and finds out that her death could be tied to the all girls boarding school she attended.

My Thrill Club:

The Hole by Hye-Young Pyun. This is described as a Korean version of Misery by Stephen King.

His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet. This is a historical thriller that is set in 19th century Scotland and explores a triple murder in a remote Scottish farming community.

The DVD for this month was The Haunted Airman. It stars Robert Pattinson.


Jane Two by Sean Patrick Flanery. The synopsis doesn’t really give much, but by what I gather it’s a coming of age story that has drama and romance.irs also written by an actor and I’m always curious when an author releases a novel.

Magnus Chase And The Gods Of Asgard: The Sword Of Summer by Rick Riordan. This is a Walmart exclusive and contains a door hanger. This is obviously the first book in the Magnus Chase series. This is actually a book that I’m not really interested in reading. I know a lot of people love this series but it’s just not what I’m really into so I will be putting it up for a future giveaway.

Those are the books that I got and I’m most excited for The Broken Girls. I think that might be on my TBR next month.

Keep reading…Lola

December/January Book Subscription Boxes 

These are the books that I got in book subscription services in December and January. Because I’m doing two months worth I’m not going to give a synopsis for each one but if you’re interested in any you can leave me a comment or check them out on Goodereads.

December Book Of The Month:

The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor

The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen.

December Bookcase.Club:

The Messenger Of Fear by Michael Grant.

Midnight Theif by Livia Blackburne.

December My Thrill Club:

Invasive by Chuck Wending.

Afterparty by Daryl Gregory.

The DVD was Secret In The Walls.

January Book Of The Month:

The Woman In The Window by A.J. Finn.

January BookCase.Club:

Spinning Starlight by R.C. Lewis.

The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

January My Thrill Club:

The Penny Dreadfuls. This includes Dracula by Bram Stoker, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

Abigale Hall by Lauren A. Forry.

The DVD was Hide And Seek.

I’m really excited for these books and can’t wait to crack them open.

Keep reading…Lola

October/November Book Subscription Unboxing

These are the books that I got in October and November in book subscription boxes.


My Thill Club:

The Silence Of Ghosts by Jonathan Aycliffe. This is about a man who, along with his partially deaf sister is sent away to live in the countryside by their family. The house is old and things start to happen when his sister starts to hear the voices of children.

The Broken Hours by Jacqueline Baker. This follows Arthor, who takes a job as a live in assistant to an old author who is confined to his bedroom. Arthor never sees the old man but he starts to witness strange things and wonders who the man is and what is going on.

Movie: The Bug. This movie stars Ashley Judd and is apparently about a bug invasion. I haven’t watched it yet.

My YA Reading Club:

Cheesus Was Here by J.C. Davis. This is about a teenage girl who sees Jesus on the package of her Babybel cheese. Religious symbols start to show up around town and everyone starts to wonder if they are signs or if someone else is doing it.

Black Flowers, White Lies by Yvonne Ventresca. This follows teenager Ella who believes she has a supernatural connection with her dad who died before she was born in a tragic accident. When Ella finds out that he didn’t die in accident accident but while staying in a psychiatric hospital she begins to wonder what really happened to him.

Movie: American Teen. This movie follows five teenagers from different cliques through their final year of high school. I also haven’t watched this one yet.


Illusive by Emily Lloyd-Jones. MK virus sweeps across the planet. A vaccine is created to stop it, but it comes with unexpected side effects. A small percentage of the population developed superhero-like powers and the people effected were given an ultimatum: Serve the country or be declared a traitor.

Reckoning by Kerry Wilkinson. Silver Blackthorne takes the Reckoning. This is a coming-of- age test that decides your place in society, are you an Elite, Member, Inter or Trog and it also determines whether you become an Offering for King Victor. Is being an Offering the privilege everyone assumes it is or do the walls of the castle have something to hide? 

Book Of The Month:

Beasts Of Extraordinary Circumstance by Ruth Emmie Lang. This is about a man who is an orphan and was raised by wolves. One Christmas day he stops a tornado and begins to realize how different he really is.


My Thrill Club:

Entropy In Bloom by Jeremy Robert Johnson. This is a collection of creepy short stories.

Fantasticland by Mike Bockoven. A hurricane traps a group of teenagers in an amusement part for 5 weeks and when they are finally rescued the scene is not pretty. There are heads on stakes and human bones throughout the park but how could teenagers do anything thus horrible?

Movie: The Eye. I’ve seen this and really liked it. It’s about a woman who loses her sight as a child and then gets and cornea transplant and starts to see horrific things that she soon learns are things that happened to her donor. 

My YA Reading Club:

Kid Moss by Mark R. Thornton. This is set in Tanzania. Nine year old Moses is a homeless street kid from the port city Dar es Salaam. Attempting to flee the city violence, Moses and his friend Kioso accept a ride from a stranger and eventually the boys are separated. Searching for his lost friend, Moses travels to a rural orphanage and then in a hallucinatory state of starvation he curls under a tree in a dry wilderness to give up. Moses is saved from certain death by an assortment of characters  who shelter him and expose him to a way of life and value system different from anything he has ever known.

#Freetopiary: An Occupy Fable by Peter Burnett. The only thing I really know about this one is that a young man is arrested for a cybercrime that he doesn’t commit. 

Movie: Adam. This movie is about two very different people who begin a relationship and then wonder if they are too different for each other. I also haven’t watched this.


Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis. This is a science fiction retelling of Snow White.

Lockwood And Co. The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud. This is actually a book that I’m not really interested in so I’m going to put it up for a future giveaway. 

Book Of The Month:

Bonfire by Krysten Ritter. After living in Chicago for 10 years, environmental lawyer, Abby goes back to her hometown for a case. As she gets deeper into the case, she begins to find connections between the company and the disappearance of a friend 10 years prior.

Turtles All The Way Down by John Green. I wasn’t going to get this but I’ve been hearing really good things about it so I decided to give it a try. I don’t want to know much going into it not but I do know that it involves OCD and mental illness.

My Thrill Club:

My Thrill Club and My YA Reading Club are boxes from the same company and I never got my June YA Reading Club box and I’ve been sending emails and something always happened and I never got it. Well finally this month it was all sorted out and they spent me the box but instead of the YA box they sent me the Thrill box instead, which I am even happier about since I prefer that box anyway.

Brood by Chase Novak. This is actually the sequel to Breed, which I haven’t read but it’s about a couple who go to a fertility doctor and they have twins, but then the parents turn into animals or something like that. It sounds interesting but I definitely want to read the first book before I read Brood.

The Necromancer’s House by Christopher Buehlman. Andrew is a recovering alcoholic and a practicing warlock. He is also able to speak with the dead through film. His house is a maze of booby traps and escape tunnels. He has known that magic is a brutal game that requires blood sacrifice and a willingness to confront death. His many years of peace and comfort have left him soft, he is more concerned with maintaining false youth than he is with seeing to his own defense. Now a monster straight from the pages of Russian folklore is coming for him, and frost and death are coming with her.

Movie: Amityville II: The Possession. I haven’t seen this moview either but I believe it’s the sequel to the original Amityville Horror.

Those are all the books that I got in October and November. I cancelled My YA Reading Club and will probably cancel one or two more in January when the prepay is up because I have to get some of my TBR down, it is massive! 

Keep reading…Lola

September Book Subscription Unboxing

These are all the books that I got in September subscription boxes.


This is the mystery/thriller box.

Sting by Sandra Brown. This is about a man and woman who kind of have sparks from across a bar but he is there to kill her. He changes his mind and kidnaps her instead and then they go on the run because other people want her too.

The House Of Secrets by Brad Meltzer and Tod Goldberg. This is about a woman who gets into a car accident that kills her father and injures her brother, but when she wakes up she doesn’t know who she is. The cops question her about her father, after finding the a dead man with a notebook belonging to Benedict Arnold in his body.

My YA Reading Club

This is the real world box.

Go set A Watchman by Harper Lee. I was really happy to see this in the box this month. I have read this and really enjoyed it and wanted to add it to my collection eventually.
Emma: A Modern Retelling by Alexander McCall Smith. This is a retelling of Emma by Jane Austen. I haven’t read Emma yet but it’s high on my TBR so I’ll read this after I’ve read the original.

Battle In Seattle. This is the DVD for the month. Starring Woody Harrelson, Ray Liotta, Michelle Rodriguez and Charlize Theron. This is about a peaceful demonstration to stop the WTO talks that escalates into a full scale riot, which leads to a state of emergency.

Book Of The Month

Emma In The Night by Wendy Walker. This is about two sisters who disappear one night and three years later one of them comes back, but her story has some holes in it.

Lies She Told by Cate Holahan. This follows a thriller author who is writing her next novel, but then the things she writes about end up happening in some way in her real life as well.

My Thrill Club

This is the horror box. My FAVORITE box this month!

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King. I was so excited when I saw this in the horror box this month. I have not read The Shining yet but this is the sequel and I have been wanting it for a while. I have heard some mixed reviews but I’m excited to read it after I’ve read The Shining.

The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich. One night at a high school three students are murdered and one, Carley ends up missing. A diary is found in the ashes belonging to Kaitlin, who turns out to be Carly’s alter ego. This moved to the top of my TBR and will definitely be on my Halloween TBR next month.

Behemoth. This is the DVD for the month. Starring Cindy Busby and Ed quinn. This follows a local logger and and seismologist who lead a rescue attempt after something has awakened an enormous beast who wrecks apocalyptic devastation across the planet.

Those were the books that I have received this month. I am so excited for many of them and can’t wait to dive in.

Keep reading…Lola